PTSA Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in the Teacher's Lounge.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Donate to Maple Elementary PTSA using PayPal!

Hello Maple Families,

We are excited to offer a simple way for the community to donate to the Maple Elementary PTSA. Simply click on the 'Donate' button in the previous post and your donations will go directly to the Maple PTSA non-profit bank account.

Maple Elementary PTSA uses the funds to support our quest for academic excellence and provides Maple staff with resources they otherwise would not have.

Thank you on behalf of the Maple PTSA! No matter how small, your donations have a huge impact on our academic community!

1 comment:

  1. If Maple Elementary would like a 2013 Special Education poster, please email me at
    Thanks, Vicki Dohrmann, CE Administrator
    or for more information view the conference website at
